Thursday, June 4, 2009

From the beginning

May 31st - While out riding his motorcycle, Sean slipped on gravel, lost control and ran into a tree. He broke both legs, and shattered his right pelvic bone. No head, spine or major organ injuries. He was transported first to Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup and then to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle (Northwest trauma hospital). He spent 16 hours in emergency before being transferred to ICU.

June 1st - Finally transferred to ICU. They are watching him to make sure the major artery wasn't nicked. Doctors tell us he will need surgery to reconstruct his hip. The good weather (it's in the 90's) is working against us. Everyone is going out to play and hence lots of emergencies coming in. Sean keeps losing his place in the surgery line for more emergent cases. Guess we're happy he's not one of those. Sean had 15+ visitors, many many phone calls, texts and emails. Nice to know he is well loved.

June 2nd - ICU all day. Pretty drugged up.

June 3rd - Sean was considered stable enough to be transferred to a regular room. Space is really at a premium so he ending up in the burn ward. He was third on the list for surgery today but by noon they let him know that today WASN'T going to be the day. Big let down. Lots of pain, muscle spasms. Unable to control the pain. Occasional relief. Ate little, drank lots. End of day...GOOD NEWS. Surgery tomorrow. 7:30 AM.

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